• Some homeowners do their gutter cleaning themselves or hire someone every season to properly maintain their homes. If you are one of such homeowners, what you may not know is that most gutters have to be cleaned 3-4 times every year.

    You may wonder, why should I often clean the gutters? The reason for this is that the trees of each season pass through several cycles that can clog your channels. In the spring, most trees release seedlings and dead twigs. Spring is also the best time to check if any damages were done to your gutters by snow during winter. In the summer, strong storms and winds cause trees to lose their leaves. In early autumn, you have to remove the scrap leaves early, so that your gutters run freely. In late autumn or early winter, you must make sure that the gutter system is properly cleaned to prevent ice buildup or the formation of ice in your gutters. Inadequate maintenance of the gutter can damage or clog them and can cause thousands of dollars in damage to the foundations, inner/outer linings and the basement of your home.

    To properly clean your gutters, rent a strong ladder and ask your neighbor to help you. Ladders can be rented at most local rental outlets. When using ladders, be sure to stay away from power lines, trees, and windows. It is advisable to use a ladder stabilizer to ensure that you do not squash the gutters and do not slip during cleaning. Ladder stabilizers can be purchased at most tool stores. Remember that your safety is more important than clean gutters, so make sure someone helps you. 

    If you have gutter guards, make sure they are not clogged with leaves and branches. They will not protect your gutter if water cannot penetrate properly and the water can simply run over them, rendering them useless, even if the gutters are clean! Gently lift the guards to avoid damaging them, remove the leaves or debris beneath them, and then position them correctly. You should let the water flow to make sure they are functioning properly. Check your downspouts if they have screens on top and remove them too. If necessary, use a hose to clean the blocked drains and replace the damaged gutter screens. When cleaning the gutters, inspect them to make sure the fasteners are tightened. This can normally be done with a screwdriver.

    It is possible that, with time, the spikes holding the aluminum on the fascia board would become loosened. Drive the spikes back in place, relocate them or replace them with longer ones to improve support. When gutters are loose, the pitch changes and the water flows into the lower areas. 

    For reliable and professional gutter cleaning services call/text Gutter Cowboy at 508-257-1832 or book online at http://www.guttercowboy.com/